
Google Keep Now Lets You Export Notes to Docs, Use My Maps in the Google Maps app, and More

Great resource links, tips, news, and updates shared by our Google+ community members from March 23 to 29, 2015.

Use My Maps in the Google Maps appsupport.google.com

My Maps isn’t the same app as Google Maps. But you can view maps from My Maps in the Google Maps app. You can also get info and turn-by-turn navigation to places on My Maps.

Chrome App managementsupport.google.com

A new view for managing Chrome Apps and extensions in the Admin console is available. This provides greater visibility and control in managing specific Apps and extensions for your domain.

Google Docs Tip: Formatting Words in Commentsplus.google.com

Add formatting to words in your comments for emphasis, like bold, strikethrough, and italics.

Google Keep Update: Export Notes to Docs – plus.google.com

Whether you’re jotting down a shopping list or putting ideas together for your next novel, Google Keep helps you capture your thoughts in the form of notes. With the latest updated, when you visit http://keep.google.com, you can export notes to Docs to expand, edit, and polish your ideas.
The refreshed apps for Docs, Sheets, and Slides for iPhone/iPad help you fine tune line spacing in your documents while on the go, and include other bug fixes and improvements.
Docs: http://goo.gl/H1hm5K
Sheets: http://goo.gl/kU9hab
Slides: http://goo.gl/Qt46c6
Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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