
Google Easter Eggs: Show Pony Parade, Shy Dino, and Angry Mob on Hangouts

One of our favorite thing about summits (aside from the free drink parties :D), is the Demo Slam session where attendees get to show off their Google tricks and tips to the rest of the crowd by doing a 2 minute live demonstration. For today’s blog post, we are highlighting this wacky demo slam by +Stephen Reiach, Director of Technology from the American School of Milan and one of the attendees of 2014 Germany Summit held in Frankfurt.

If you think there couldn’t be anything more cooler than having the ability to talk to anyone, anywhere in the world, think again. Open Hangouts right now and type /ponies or /ponystream on the chat box and see magical ponies run across the chat window.

This is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to Hangouts! Somebody at Google must love My Little Pony so much.

There are few other surprises you can try, see chart below for the complete list and tell us which is your favorite.

Image source: Moritz Tolxdorff

About Demo Slams

Demo slams are fun 2 minute sessions (with 30 second gaps in between) which we will run on the closing session of the summit. You will come to the stage, hook up your laptop on and share something Google related you have learned. It can be geeky, useful, or just plain fun 🙂

About Google Easter Eggs

An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in a work such as a computer program, video game, movie, book, or crossword. – Wikipedia

Got an awesome demo slam up your sleeve? Join any of our upcoming summits and be ready to share! Visit www.appsevents.com.
Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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