
AppsEvents announce their first first ‘AppsEvents Google for School Leaders’ summit strand featuring ‘Future Ready Schools’

We’re really excited to be offering our first ‘AppsEvents Google for School Leaders’ summit strand featuring ‘Future Ready Schools’ at two summits in 2015.

The summit strand will take place as part of our regular summits and will be hosted by +Rowland Baker at our Arkansas summit in November and South Korea Summit in December. For the South Korea Summit at Chadwick International School we are especially excited as this is the first time “Future Ready Schools” information has been shared in Asia!

We ran our first ‘Google for School Leaders’ strand at our European Summit last month with +Rowland Baker and +John M. Mikton which was a huge success and focussed on the best practices for leaders at schools running Google Apps. We are now building on this to incorporate an expanded curriculum featuring Future Ready tools in the updated and expanded summit strand.

Two of the sessions will be dedicated to “Future Ready Schools”. Because of the relationship of AppsEvents staff and the United States Dept. of Education, permission has been granted to share the “Future Ready Schools” tools, roadmap and knowledge with leadership attendees at the Summit.

What started with Obama Administration, the “Future Ready Schools” movement now includes over 2,000 districts and 16 million students in the US. We will look at the dashboard and the powerful tools that have been developed to assist leadership in 7 areas:

1. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

2. Use of Time

3. Technology, Networks, and Hardware

4. Data and Privacy

5. Community Partnerships

6. Professional Learning

7. Budget and Resources

We will end with looking at what next steps are needed to begin the pathway towards a Future Ready School. Check out more info on our Arkansas and South Korea summit websites.

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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