
AppsEvents to Pilot Subject Specific Bootcamps

The most effective Professional Development provides a pathway for teachers to bring into the class the very next week what they have just learned at the training event or workshop they just attended. AppsEvents aims to make every workshop not just a fun filled learning experience for educators, but also to get you inspired to go to class the next day armed with new actionable ideas.

Hence we are excited to pilot test subject specific bootcamps starting with the Maths G Suite Bootcamp at the 6th Annual Bangkok Google for Education Summit hosted by the Thai – Chinese International School in Samutprakarn, Thailand.

Maths G Suite Bootcamp Overview

Math or (Maths!) learning has been transformed by technology, with a huge variety of tools available to support understanding of Math concepts. This training day is designed for middle and high school teachers wanting to reflect on technology use in their classrooms and learn about some of the most productive cloud based tools.

The day will be headed by Oli Trussel and will focus on 3 Act Math activities (pioneered by the great Dan Meyer), and embedding interactive graphers and geometry modelling tools to aid with understanding. Whilst the day will harness the use of technology, rigour and conceptual understanding will be emphasized throughout.

If you shy away from using Desmos to create your own learning activities, or just want to get tips on using Geogebra to develop independent investigations, then this day will be for you.

See the Maths G Suite Bootcamp agenda here or click this link to secure a spot!

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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